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Happenings with Lyra Adams

  • Running Out of Gas

    Have you had the misfortune of running out of gas? Recently, my husband and I were coming home from a neighboring city and ran into many issues,...
  • Discipline and The Law of Attraction

    A Symbiotic Relationship In order to exist, things require structure. On an atomic and subatomic level, atoms are vibrating and resonating togethe...
  • Heart of Humanity

    For humans to have more humanity, we must look to the heart and be fearless — not fearful. We must reclaim our voices and our personal power. We must listen to others and allow them the same.
  • False Beliefs vs. Self Worth

    If someone gave me only five minutes and asked what is the one thing that abuse survivors need to know it would be this:

    You must have or acquire a deep knowing inside that you are worthy.

    You are worthy of being able to escape patterns that are holding you back, of healing your mind from the negative programming stored there; and you are worthy of having a richly colored, beautiful life.

  • I resisted ... but I'm in

    Nanowrimo 2020 Okay, I'm in and feeling as if I am on a lonely starship with my blood mates willing to hook me up and jack me into the matrix, moni...