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The Magical Empath

Empath, break the chains! 

Stop feeling overwhelmed and move toward mastery, magic and miracles.

The Magical Empath brings together ancient, yet modern time-tested, methods for personal and spiritual transformation. This first in series book speaks to the hearts of empaths, starseeds, lightworkers, crystals, indigo and highly sensitive individuals.

It is common to feel very alone with the person you are inside. You know … the one you have been hiding or trying to tamp down. Yes, that one. The fact is, at this time in our world, there is an army of us. We are here for a reason. It is up to us to help usher in a world that is more transparent, feeling, and ultimately beautifully grounded in truths.

The knowledge contained herein is for those serious about leveling up to create an intensely magical life experience for themselves that ultimately touches those around them.

Empathic individuals have the capacity to affect or enact magic … if they choose to. Many do not realize this about themselves yet. They are caught in a tight web of being different and not knowing how to live more free.

Like any solid role playing game, we must possess the tools to wield our way through a maze of confusion and fears, seizing the right fortunate opportunities when they arise. While this game we are engaged in is completely an illusion, when we are playing it, the game feels very real. And that is what we do as empaths -- feel.

The Magical Empath series is designed to show you the more eloquent moves to make on the chessboard of life.

Empowerment through regulation and discernment, plus reaching a full understanding of who you are will propel you into your own magical destiny.

Whether you recently discovered you are an empath or have known for quite awhile, this book series will become an invaluable part of your library and something you will want to share with other empathic souls. If you feel ready to move ahead and level up in this game of life, let’s get started! 

Magical empathic lives do come true!

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    "Owner's Manual For The Empath! As I read this book I felt as if I had a wise woman sitting next to me sharing the powerful information - tips and quips - which are packed into this literal owners manual for the empath. At 65 years of age I wish I had found this book eons ago when I was often told and became aware that I was ‘toooooo sensitive’ and more often than not tried to bury and/or numb out with food. The author describes many situations which mirrored many situations where I have found myself - I couldn’t believe it!! The author shares analogic stories when relating some concepts which has always been a method of learning I enjoy. She also shares many tips on managing the empathic experience some which I have learned from the school of hard knocks and many tips and quips which are brand new. I highly recommend this book!"

    Janet B.